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Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning is head of Open Science and the publication portal PUBLISSO at ZB MED.

Tuesday, 12.07.2022

Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning Member of the Sounding Board of "AG Universitätsverlage"

Political commitment to academic publishing in Open Access

The AG Universitätsverlage is an association of academic publishers who primarily publish publications from their own institutions. PUBLISSO, the ZB MED publication portal for the life sciences, is also a member. The working group currently has 29 members. They all follow common principles: They are affiliated with a research institution and reflect the profile of the institution in their publishing programme. All publishers implement Open Access as well as a science-friendly rights policy and take measures to ensure high scientific and formal quality. In doing so, they do not pursue profit maximisation and work together transparently and collegially.

The Sounding Board was newly created as part of a restructuring of the governing bodies at the AG meeting from 29 June to 1 July 2022. In addition to Ursula Arning, members are the two spokespersons Dagmar Schobert (TU Berlin) and Margo Bargheer (SUB Göttingen) as well as Isabella Meinecke (Stabi Hamburg) and Regine Tobias (KIT). The Sounding Board is responsible for political engagement around the goals of the AG Universitätsverlage.

Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning is head of Open Science and the publication portal PUBLISSO at ZB MED. She also holds a professorship for Open Access and the Management of Digital Resources at the TH Köln.

Further information:
Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning
AG Universitätsverlage