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ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
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53115 Bonn




An infrastructure and research centre for data and information in the life sciences.

Certificate Course "Forschungsdatenmanagement"

The certificate course "Forschungsdatenmanagement" is offered as a cooperation of Landesinitiative für Forschungsdatenmanagement NRW -, ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Science and ZBIW.

In nine modules, among other things, the research cycle in different subject areas, open science, FDM consulting, technical infrastructure, data management, also taking into account legal aspects, are taught.

The certificate course "Forschungsdatenmanagement" provides an insight into different areas of research data management and aims to qualify employees from science-related infrastructure areas as well as from active research for the tasks to be jointly managed in this context. The thematic spectrum of the certificate course ranges from the research data life cycle, typical data types and research processes in different disciplines, open science, consulting approaches to FDM, research project management, technical infrastructure and metadata to sustainable data management and relevant legal aspects.

The course is designed as a blended learning offering, (virtual) face-to-face and e-learning phases alternate. It includes numerous practical exercises such as live coding and application-related projects.

Modul 1: Basismodul Grundlagen des FDM
Modul 2: Basismodul Open Science & rechtliche Aspekte
Modul 3: Basismodul Forschung, FD & FDM in den Fachgebieten
Modul 4: Aufbaumodul Hacken & experimentieren mit Daten
Modul 5: Aufbaumodul (Meta-)Daten verwalten & teilen
Modul 6: Aufbaumodul Technische Infrastruktur
Modul 7: Aufbaumodul Daten- & Projektmanagement in der Forschung
Modul 8: Aufbaumodul FDM-Beratung & Schulung
Modul 9: Projektmodul

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Blümm and Prof. Dr. Konrad Förstner are responsible for the scientific management of the course. The professional management is in the hands of the state initiative and ZB MED - Information Center Life Sciences.
Questions about registration and organization will be answered by Marvin Lanczek.

For more information, visit course offerings at ZBIW.