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List of contacts

Do you have any questions about ZB MED`s services or the range of literature we offer? Or maybe you need some tips on how to run searches in LIVIVO?

Phone: +49 (0)221 999 892 240

Cologne Site

Medicine and Health

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Cologne (Köln)

Bonn Site

Nutritional, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn




An infrastructure and research centre for data and information in the life sciences.

Life sciences research needs a solid infrastructure.

ZB MED carries out the applied research required to achieve this.

Research at ZB MED

Faciliating transdisciplinary research by integrating existing knowledge resources

One of the aims of ZB MED's applied research programme is to help shape the seismic shifts that are impacting life sciences as a result of the digital revolution. ZB MED researches focus on making the content of life science knowledge resources more readily accessible. This simplifies the representation of transdisciplinary relatonships that cut across traditional discipline-specific-boundaries, making it easier for users to find what they need. By boosting the availability of information contained in life sciences resources. ZB MED aims to improve how existing knowledge resources can be used to validate new hypotheses from the research community.

Using automated methods to reveal new epistemological connections

The Semantic Retieval research group aims to make the content of life sciences knowledge resources, making them compatible with the automated methods of drawing on heterogeneous content to answer questions posed by life science reearchers. This enhancement envolves the use of text and data mining methods to automatically add semantic annotations to text resources and make them searchable. In this improved format, the content can be used to validate new hypotheses proposed by researchers. The insights gained from this applied research provide the basis for offering consulting services to other departments.

Development of new applications improves orientation in virtual knowledge resources

In 2016, the Semantic Retrieval research group developed a prototype method of using text and data mining to automatically add annotations to text based on life science ontologies. ZB MED is incorporating the findings from this research into the ongoing development of its very own ´Knowledge Environment`. This will enable it to provide effective support for the full range of services it offers.