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An infrastructure and research centre for data and information in the life sciences.

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Tuesday, 13.06.2023

That is why data stewards are essential for research

Topic page on the new job description goes online

Why are so many data stewards needed? What skills are necessary? What does the day-to-day work look like? And what training paths are available? The new topic page on DARUM ZB MED provides answers to all these questions. You will find useful links, studies and reports from everyday working life to inform yourself about the multifaceted job description of data stewards. 

The microsite DARUM ZB MED! bundles topic-specific tips and information for scientific work in the life sciences. Already online, for example, are topic pages on good scientific practice, reputation or data literacy. The microsite will be gradually expanded. 

To the Data Stewardship topic page (mostly in German)
To the microsite DARUM ZB MED!