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[Translate to english:] Lisa Langnickel ist Doktorandin in der Forschungsgruppe Informationsmanagement

Tuesday, 13.07.2021

Lisa Langnickel receives "Best oral presentation by a first timer award"

Europaen Association for Health Information and Libraries honours ZB MED PhD student

Lisa Langnickel is a member of Professor Juliane Fluck's Information Management research group. At the EAHIL Virtual Workshop, she presented the COVID-19 Preprint Viewer preVIEW. The tool, which is based on text mining, facilitates the search for information on COVID-19 preprints through, among other things, extended search and filter functions for abstracts, direct links to full texts and export functions for texts from bioRxiv, medRxiv, chemRXiv, SSRN, ResearchSquare and The ZB MED team developed preVIEW as part of the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 last year and has been continuously expanding the service since then.

This year, the annual EAHIL event took place as a virtual workshop from 5 to 8 June 2021. It was held under the motto "Crossing the Bridge: New Challenges, New Opportunities" and was hosted by Marmara University in Istanbul. A total of four awards for presentations and posters were presented at the event. Lisa Langnickel receives the award for her presentation: preVIEW: a service for central access to COVID-19 preprints, which she developed together with co-authors Roman Baum, Johannes Darms and Juliane Fluck. 


Further information:

to preVIEW - COVID-19 Preprint Viewer
about Lisa Langnickel
to NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19
to EAHIL Virtual Workshop