FAIRagro and Base4NFDI successful in third round of NFDI funding
The Joint Science Conference (GWK) decided on the third funding round of the National Research Data Infrastructure in its meeting on 4 November 2022. A total of eight consortia will be included in the funding, including Base4NFDI and FAIRagro, two consortia in which ZB MED - Information Centre Life Sciences is involved.
Base4NFDI, as a network of all NFDI consortia, will create services that support the provision and use of research data across all disciplines and scientific fields.The FAIRagro consortium aims to create an infrastructure for agrosystems research data to facilitate cross-institutional and interdisciplinary research.
Learn more:
- to the press release of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF): Funding for simplified access to agrosystems research data
- to the press release of the Joint Science Conference (GWK): Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) mit der Aufnahme von acht Konsortien in die Förderung komplett
- to FAIRagro
- to Base4NFDI
- to NFDI
to full press release (in German)