Harnessing research and infrastructure to empower people and benefit the environment.
ZB MED's services cover the entire life science research cycle
ZB MED supports the entire research cycle with its services - in accordance with the principles and practices of open science. Sharing and networking within and between disciplines enable new research. The services of ZB MED are developing from pure "research administration" to continuous close "research support".
Generate research ideaWe can point you to numerous sources of useful information.
Plan researchCount on our support to help plan your research!
Generate dataWe can help you generate research data based on FAIR principles.
Analyse dataTake advantage of our data analysis services and training sessions!
FindingsAI-based tools are a great way to generate new research insights.
Quality assuranceUse our services for the quality assurance of your research!
Publish/provide accessPublish your work open access so that it can be read and cited by anyone!
The research cycle of ZB MED explained (in German, English subtitles)
Prof Dr Konrad Förstner, Head of Data Science and Services, explains the structure and services along the research cycle.
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ZB MED is committed to the principles of Libraries4Future.
Climate protection, sustainability, responsibility, social solidarity.
Local universities cooperate closely with ZB MED as partners
The robust, well-established partnership between ZB MED and the University of Cologne covers research, teaching and the provision of information. The Scientific Director of ZB MED also holds a professorship at the Medical Faculty.
ZB MED is sponsered by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia
Logo of Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia
The Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia is sponsoring ZB MED.
Local universities cooperate closely with ZB MED as partners
A joint professorship is just one example of the cooperation between ZB MED and the University of Bonn in the fields of research and teaching. ZB MED’s Bonn site is located on the Poppelsdorf campus.
ZB MED advocates Open Access
ZB MED promotes and supports open access to scientific research through the PUBLISSO portal and other services.
Local universities cooperate closely with ZB MED as partners
ZB MED’s cooperation with TH Köln focuses on providing qualifications in information and data science through joint professorships and other strategies.
ZB MED is a member of DataCite
DataCite is an international not-for-profit organisation that offers services and know-how relating to the management, referencing and citation of research data.
ZB MED and Bielefeld University have signed a cooperation agreement
The objective is to work together to provide complementary information services for the life sciences.
ZB MED advocates equality
ZB MED received the TOTAL E-QUALITY award in 2010, 2013, 2017 and 2021 for successfully implementing equality in its staffing structure and personnel policies.
ZB MED is one of over 30 partners in the LFV Open Science
The network is committed to the research and development of working methods, infrastructures, and tools of Open Science.
ZB MED is a member of DAFA.
The "Deutsche Agrarfoschungsallianz" aims to improve the performance, transparency and international visibility of German agricultural research. It is a joint project of German agricultural research.
ZB MED is committed to the principles of Libraries4Future.
Climate protection, sustainability, responsibility, social solidarity.
Local universities cooperate closely with ZB MED as partners
The robust, well-established partnership between ZB MED and the University of Cologne covers research, teaching and the provision of information. The Scientific Director of ZB MED also holds a professorship at the Medical Faculty.