Conference details
11th Annual Symposium "Physics of Cancer"
Conference Secretariat
Claudia Brück
University of Leipzig
Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences
Peter Debye Institute
Soft Matter Physics Division
Linnéstraße 5, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: (+49 341) 97 32470
Fax: (+49 341) 97 32479
This year again, we will bring together world-class researchers from across the globe, who are leading the way investigating the physical mechanisms underlying cancer progression as well as diagnosis and innovative therapies.
The meeting has always been a fantastic platform to stay updated on the latest science in the field, create new ideas as well as connect old and new collaborators.
If this conference cannot take place by meeting on-site for safety reasons, we will organise this meeting as an online event instead. A final decision on this will be made in the forthcoming weeks. We will closely observe the Corona situation worldwide (click general information for more information on the situation in Germany and Saxony specifially).
The online conference will be hosted by Leipzig University. We plan to use the software "Big Blue Button" which is an open source solution, made for large auditories. Apart from the presentation itself, we will have a Q&A session after each talk.