Conference details
7th International Conference on Microbial Communication for Young Scientists
The conference traditionally consists of five chaired sessions, each containing two outstanding keynote lectures and a number of selected student talks.
The Chemical Ecology session focuses on the cross-talk between microorganisms and their living environment using chemical signals. Research includes the co-evolution within the communicating networks and signalling processes between individual entities.
The Environment session examines strategies used by microorganisms in colonizing the environment, which are of importance for microbial fitness and the formation of interactive communities. It also looks at microbial applications to the environment.
The Natural Products session aims to provide innovative ideas for mining of novel metabolites and correlated synthetic pathways from microorganisms, to engineer microbes as cell factories for mass production of valuable compounds, and even to contribute to drug discovery.
The Pathogenesis session focuses on microbial pathogenicity and virulence, examples include the molecular basis of damage to host immunity, and an overview of the host response to pathogen invasion.
The Systems Biology session aims to show the way the study of organisms, encompassing the examination of its cellular structure and dynamics as a whole, provides an improved overview of its functionalities.