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Conference detail

Conference details

15.06.2017 - 17.06.2017

8th World Congress of the Abdominal Compartment Society (8th WCACS)

The Banff Centre, 107 Tunnel Mountain Drive, Banff, AB, T1L 1H5

Organiser Name: The Abdominal Compartment Society (WSACS)

Contact: Manu Malbrain


Ph: 003232177399


The WSACS was formed in Australia after the second World Congress in 2004 and was primarily a multidisciplinary society of clinicians involved in day-to-day care of seriously ill and injured patients. Although originally a small the Society has been incredibly productive in writing and knowledge translation with the generation of a textbook and Internationally accepted Consensus Guidelines concerning the Definitions, Management, and Research Methodology, which undergo continuous re-evaluation and reassessment with new knowledge. As such the Society has recently updated its practice guidelines on ACS is fostering a greater understanding worldwide of intra-abdominal hypertension and ACS.

The Congress includes formal state-of-the-art presentations as well as practical discussions such as tutorials, pro-con debates, case presentations, “meet the experts”, “how I do it” and “what I learnt today".

Thus, the WCACS2017 meeting in Banff will host 300 delegates from around the world to address issues relating to the care of critically ill patients. We would like to encourage you to come to Banff to enjoy what will be one of the great meetings of 2017. There will be much for all. There will be general sessions for those less experienced in abdominal physiology, cutting edge research for the experts, and all sessions and dialogue will allow industry to understand the future directions of care in the diverse aspects of care of all abdominal conditions in a range of patients from the catastrophically ill to those well but at risk.

Finally, although the focus will be on learning and education, it is not just a coincidence that Banff-Calgary is a jumping off point for no less than four UNESCO Heritage sites NOT including Lake Louise a short drive up the Highway. Although it can snow any month of the year, typically June weather is spectacular and we recommend you try to stay a couple of extra days for site-seeing that should be on everybody’s bucket-list.