Conference details
AgEng 2010 - International Conference on Agricultural Engineering
Towards environmental technologies ; AgEng 2010 CF will be preceded by two technical Symposiums organized in parallel on September 3 and 4, 2010:
- Symposium ECOTECHS 2010 - Eco-design methods and tools for Agricultural Technologies
- Symposium ROBOTICS 2010 - Mobile Robotics for Environment/Agriculture
How can agricultural engineering technologies make farming both environment-friendly and more competitive? Such technologies may be considered within the range of environmental technologies. AgEng 2010 CF will emphasize the advances in the design and the development of environmental technologies in agriculture in the perspective of rural development. Agriculture encompasses here farming, aquaculture, forestry and multifunctional uses of the land. EurAgEng is presently working out the notion of biosystem as an agricultural model.