Conference details
International Scientific Conference on Gastro-Intestinal Microbial Ecology - GME2010
Maria Kasmanova
The conference's goal is to provide a scientific forum for scientist and researchers who are committed to understand the complexity of the gastro-intestinal ecosystem and its interactions with the host in health or disease.
At GME2010 leading scientists will present and discuss current advances in the research of gut microbiota and gut microbial ecosystem. The scientific programme aims to advance the understanding of microbial diversity of the gastro-intestinal ecosystem by presenting new insights in its complex balance or imbalance, and discuss ways to modulate the gut microbiota to the benefit of the host by means of bioactive substances.
New research results and insights will be conferred by leading scientist from industry and academia within the fields of general microbiology, analytical methods, microbiomics, host-microbe interaction, biofilms and signalling. In addition novel approaches, methods and scientifically solid ideas, visions will be presented as well.
Keywords: Gut microbiota, microbial ecosystem, host-microbe interaction, GIT barrier, Microbiomics