Get in touch.

List of contacts

Do you have any questions about ZB MED`s services or the range of literature we offer? Or maybe you need some tips on how to run searches in LIVIVO?

Phone: +49 (0)221 999 892 240

Cologne Site

Medicine and Health

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Cologne (Köln)

Bonn Site

Nutritional, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn




An infrastructure and research centre for data and information in the life sciences.

Studying or working in life sciences?

We've got the research tools you need.

Remote access

ZB MED acquires specialized electronic literature in the life sciences and makes it accessible to ZB MED users via remote access.

What content is available via remote access?

E-Book Collections 

Access Medicine (McGraw-Hill) (alternative access directly via LIVIVO)
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) (1995 - 2006)
Elsevier - ScienceDirect eBooks (approximately 770 E-Books)
Hogrefe eLibrary (currently 22 E-Books)
Karger eBook Collection + Archive (1890 - 2024)
ProQuest EbookCentral: over 15.000 current titles from various publishers (alternative access directly via LIVIVO)
ProQuest EbookCentral direct access to the portal (here also about 14.000 e-books for purchase on request)
SpringerReference (Selection: 64 E-Books, 2008 – 2015)
2016 LWW Classic Book Collection (Ovid)

In our search portal LIVIVO you can recognize the E-books for remote access by the comment: "Zugriff für angemeldete ZB MED-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer ". 
A selection of our textbooks as remote access e-books can be found here: PDF (german)

E-Journals / Articles

You will find journal articles that are enabled for remote access in LIVIVO with the direct link to remote access
and the link text: "Accessible to users with ZB MED library card / Zugriff für angemeldete ZB MED Nutzerinnen und Nutzer".
These links are not yet implemented for approx. 1% of the journal articles. If in doubt, please use our bookmarklet.

Electronic Journals Library (EZB)

When searching in the EZB, you can recognise the journals available in remote access by the note "accessible via ZB MED Remote Access". 

This link will take you to all the journals available in remote access in the EZB.

ACS Publications (3 Journals)
APS Journal Legacy Content (1898 - 1997)
Brill (24 Journals)
Company of Biologists (3 Journals)
Cambridge Univ. Press (over 400 Journals)
CSIRO Publishing (11 Journals)
Elsevier-DEAL-Package (more than 2.400 Journals) + Elsevier ZB MED License (73 Journals)
Future Medicine - taken over by Taylor & Francis (13 Journals)
Hogrefe (10 Journals)
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (1997 -)
Journal of Clinical Oncology Legacy Archive (1983 - 2003)
Karger Journals (1998 -)
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LWW Legacy Archive (1860 - 2004, partly until 2018)
MA Healthcare (7 journals from 2021 -)
Mary Ann Liebert (86 journals)
Microbiology Society (3 Journals)
Oxford Journals Digital Archive (1849-2017)
Oxford University Press (19 Journals from 1996 -)
Sage Journals Online Deep Backfile (1879 - 2016)
SLACK (11 Journals, the last 8 years)
Taylor & Francis (196 Journals from 1997 -)
Thieme (5 Journals from 2000 -)
Wageningen Academic Publishers (4 Journals)
Wiley-DEAL-Package (from 1997 -)

When researching in the EZB, you can recognize the journals available via remote access by the note “Per Fernzugriff für registrierte ZB MED-Nutzerinnen und –Nutzer”.
This link will take you to all the journals available in remote access in the EZB.


CAB Abstracts Archive (1910 - 1989)

How to register for remote access?

You need:

  • either a regular user card from the Cologne site - the card will be issued on site at the lending desk of our library
  • or a virtual user card for remote access only

For the virtual user card, fill out this online application form.

We will send you the number of the virtual user card by e-mail or letter. The card is valid for 1 year. For the renewal we need again the completed application and the copied documents.

How does remote access work?

After you have found the title you want via LIVIVO, the EZB or the links above, you will be redirected to a login page of the EZProxy.

For registration you need 

  • the card number of your (virtual) ZB MED user card 
  • the password - the 8-digit date of birth DDMMYYYY is set as standard

Remote access free on the web via bookmarklet

Drag the ZB MED remote access bookmarklet into the bookmark bar of your browser or click on it to save it as a bookmark.

ZB MED remote access

If you find a publication on the web, call up the URL of the publication and click on the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar. The login page will appear where you can enter your user number and password. If the title is licenced for remote access by ZB MED, you will be taken directly to the publication.


Help! I can`t access the network

Step 1: Try accessing other items: 

Verify that you are also unable to access other items. As a precaution, experiment with different publishers. Occasionally one publisher's server may be overloaded or offline for maintenance work. 

Step 2: Is Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer?

To browse and print PDF files, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Alternatively you can try opening the items as HTML files. The latest version of Acrobat Reader is available from Adobe's website

Step 3: Do you have cookies activated in your browser?

Most publishers' websites require you to accept cookies. Check that you have cookies activated in your browser.

Step 4: Do you have JavaScript activated in your browser?

Some publishers require JavaScript to be activated before you can use their website.

Step 5: Contact us for help! 

To help us try to solve the problem you will need to supply us with the following information:

  • Are you accessing from the reading room in ZB MED or via remote access?
  • What are the details of the e-book or e-journal you are trying to access (title, year, issue, article)?
  • Are you only having problems accessing this particular item or is it a wider problem?

Occasionally publishers might block access to their data for short periods without our knowledge. We are always grateful to have this brought to our attention. We will do our best to reply to your e-mail as soon as possible.