10. International EFR KONGRESS - European Federation for Colorectal Cancer
Tagungsbüro/ Wissenschaftliuches Sekretariat:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Irene Kührer, MD
Secretary General of the EFR
e-mail: headoffice@efrcancer.org
Anmeldung: Kuoni Destination Management Austria
c/o EFR 2017
Tel.: +43/1 319 76 90-0, Fax: +43/1 319 11 80
e-mail: efr2017@at.kuoni.com
Helferstorferstraße 4, A-1014 Wien
Tel.: (+43/1) 531 16 - 48, - 82
Fax: (+43/1) 531 16 - 61
e-mail: azmedinfo@media.co.at
• Minimal access colorectal surgery including robotics and laparoscopy
• NOTES and trans-anal access surgery
• Novel Findings in Molecular Biology
• New Horizons in Recent Studies
• Latest Developments in Molecular Imaging
• Translational Medicine approaches in Drug Development
Wissenschaftliche Leitung:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Béla Teleky (AKH Wien)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Irene Kührer, MD (AKH Wien)