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ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
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25.09.2019 - 27.09.2019

10th Annual "Physics of Cancer" Symposium - PoC

Kontakt und Ansprechparter

Conference Secretariat

Claudia Brück 
University of Leipzig 
Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences 
Peter Debye Institute 
Soft Matter Physics Division  
Linnéstraße 5, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

Phone: (+49 341) 97 32470 
Fax: (+49 341) 97 32479 


Cancer research of the past decades has been focusing on the molecular and genetic aspects of cancer. As a result, a multitude of cancer-related genes has been revealed and an impressive library of molecular factors has been collected that were shown to affect the development of tumours of different kinds and in different organs. This impressive scientific effort has led to a significant overall improvement of the survival rate of cancer patients in the past decades. However, to date, an overarching fundamental understanding of cancer is still missing and, therefore, also a general approach for curing this disease. This situation is reflected by the distinction of over 100 different forms of cancer in medical practice with an accordingly varying treatment and prognosis. Before this background, it can hardly be surprising that cancer is still a major health threat and the second most common cause of death in Germany. Revealing unifying principles and generating a mechanistic understanding of cancer constitutes therefore a chance for a fundamental breakthrough in cancer treatment. In this regard, medical research profits from the development of interdisciplinary fields such as "Physics of Cancer" -- a newly emerging research area at the interface between physics and cancer research. The goal of this field is to identify general physical mechanisms behind the growth and disseminations of tumours in the human body, with a focus on the effect of passive and active forces acting on cell signalling, cell proliferation and cell migration. The International Symposium "Physics of Cancer" is fostering the interdisciplinary exchange between the outstanding experts of this field. It is a well-established yearly conference that has developed into a major networking platform for young scientists.

This year`s conference presents the focus sessions 
1) Cancer cells and tumours in mechanical confinement 
2) Tumour-stroma interactions 

I wish us all an interesting and insightful conference POC 2019! 

Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich 
Technical University Dresden, Germany 
-- Organizing Team PoC 2019 --