19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress - Edinburgh, UK
Claire Garland 0207470840
The Institute of Physics (IOP) and the British Biophysical Society (BBS), together with the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) and the European Biophysical Societies’ Association (EBSA), are jointly organising the 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress in Edinburgh, UK.
Topics covered:
- Active matter Applications in biomedical and materials science
- Biomimetic structures and systems
- Computational biophysics
- Correlative, multiscale and functional imaging
- Drug discovery and delivery
- Evolution, ecology, collective and emergent behaviour
- Experimental and computational approaches to protein design
- Forces in and between cells: filaments, membranes and walls
- Imaging molecules of life
- Imaging the cell Ionic liquids meet biomolecules
- Mechanosensing and mechanoregulation
- Membrane-active peptides Membrane permeation: channels
- Membrane permeation: transporters
- Modelling, inference, big data
- Molecular and cellular processes of energy transduction
- Molecular machinery
- Morphogenesis and development
- Motility and migration
- Multiscale biophysics of membranes
- Nanobiophysics
- Optogenetics and neural systems
- Physics of cancer
- Protein folding and assembly
- Protein misfolding
- Protein structure to function
- Protein-nucleic acid interactions
- Quantitative approaches to gene regulation
- Quantum Biology
- Receptors and signalling
- Synthetic biology
- Systems Biology
- Why disorders matter