4th International Conference on Slow- and Controlled-Release and Stabilized Fertilizers (SCRSFs)
The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) and New Ag International Sarl
Contact IFA: Patrick Heffer: pheffer@fertilizer.org
Contact New Ag International: newag@newaginternational.com
For all technical, administration and exhibition matters contact:
Diane Jones, Administration & Production Manager
T: + 44 (0) 208 481 3740
F: +44 (0) 208 549 7644
E: newag@newaginternational.com
For sponsorship and exhibition opportunities contact:
Jacqui French, Sales and Marketing Manager
T: + 44 (0) 208 481 3740
F: +44 (0) 208 549 7644
E: advertising@newaginternational.com
For any other enquiries email: