9th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS)
FEMS Congress Secretariat
Tel: +31-15-30 200 50
Delftechpark 37a
2628 XJ Delft,
The Netherlands
At FEMS, we organize several events that focus on promoting and connecting scientists; promoting scientific excellence, encouraging diversity, and building momentum for public outreach, education, and communications projects. Formal and informal events help develop relationships across all disciplines relating to microbiology and across all sectors and put the right people “in the same room”.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made us review how our events achieve these and deliver events in a safe, flexible, effective and accessible manner. We realize that staying connected is more important than ever. We are therefore working together with our Member Societies on the best ways to create opportunities to connect and share knowledge virtually, accessible to all members of the microbiology community.