ESOR Galen Advanced Course on Cardio-Thoracic Cross-Sectional Imaging
The European School of Radiology (ESOR)
Neutorgasse 9
1010 Vienna, Austria
This course is aimed at senior residents and recently board-certified radiologists. The purpose of the course is to consolidate the knowledge in cardiac and chest radiology and to provide an integrated view into state-of-the-art cardiothoracic cross-sectional imaging. The course is aimed to the advanced applications of CT and MR in cardiac and chest imaging. The range of topics covers new advances in cardiac and chest imaging (new approaches to assessment of myocardial perfusion and stenosis grading, MRI of lungs and airways) and clinically challenging areas of cardio-thoracic radiology such as imaging of patients with acute chest pain, cardiomyopathies, idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, pulmonary infections and lung cancer. The faculty consists of internationally renowned European experts sharing their expertise and best cases. The combination of didactic lectures with interactive workshops guarantees the high educational value of this teaching programme.