ICMART 2013 and 5th International Johannes Bischko Symposium for Acupuncture. 30 years ICMART - International Council of Medical Acupuncture and Related Techniques. 60 years Austrian Acupuncture Society (AAS)
Information bei:
Ärztezentrale Med.Info
Helferstorferstraße 4
A-1014 Wien
Tel: (+43/1) 531 16 - 85
Fax: (+43/1) 531 16 - 61
mail: azmedinfo@media.co.at
Veranstaltungsort: Wien - Billrothhaus (Gesellschaft der Ärzte), Frankgasse 8, 1090 Wien
- Acupuncture and related techniques. Possibilities in the 2nd half of life.
- Diagnosis based on scientific medicine versus TCM-diagnostic.
- Practical approach - Scientific chapter. Organization and work for the future.