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ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Köln


Ernährungs-, Umwelt- und Agrarwissenschaften

ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn




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19.01.2017 - 20.01.2017

Opening Symposium for the new Treatment and Research Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Heidelberg

Print Media Academy Heidelberg
Kontakt und Ansprechparter

Dr. Iris Oezen


Pediatric Neurooncology (B062)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 280

69120 Heidelberg

Phone: 06221-424612


We (Prof. Stefan Pfister, Prof. Olaf Witt and Prof. Andreas Kulozik-University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hemtaology, Immunology and Pulmonology & German Cancer Research Center, Division of Neurooncology and Pedoatric Oncology) would like to cordially invite you to next year’s Opening Symposium for the new Treatment and Research Center for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology in Heidelberg, Germany, on January 19-20, 2017.

The symposium will take place in the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg, starting at 9am on Thursday 19th January and ending at 4pm on Friday 20th January. Abstract submission for oral as well as poster presentations will be announced shortly, and we are happy to be able to confirm the following list of outstanding speakers:

Michael Baumann, Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Clara Camaschella, David Capper, Jürgen Debus, Olivier Delattre, Angelika Eggert, Richard Gilbertson, Doug Higgs, David Jones, Marcel Kool, Christian Kratz, Till Milde, Martina Muckenthaler, Paul Northcott, Rob Pieters, Roland Rad, Gudrun Schleiermacher, Louis Stancato, Renata Stripecke, Poul Sörensen, Michael Taylor, Frank Westermann, Gilles Vassal.

We are delighted to present an exciting and stimulating scientific program that covers a wide range of important aspects of cancer biology. Focus areas of this symposium include:

• Epigenetics

• Precision medicine & novel therapeutic concepts

• Heterogeneity, clonal evolution and resistance

• Pre-clinical models

• Genomics and molecular classification

• Immunology & Immunotherapy

• Novel approaches in radiotherapy

We are looking forward to hosting you in Heidelberg!