XV. International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance (ICEBI) and XIV. Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT)
Congress Organisation
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1
07745 Jena/DE
Telephone +49 (0)3641 311 60
Fax +49 (0)3641 311 62 41
Contact Project team
Maik Hiller
Telephone +49 (0)3641 311 63 21
Contact Registration
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Mandy Wagner
Telephone +49 (0)3641 311 61 60
On behalf of the Institute for Bioprocessing and Analytical Measurement Techniques (iba), it is a pleasure for us to invite you to the XV. International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance (ICEBI). It will be held together with the XIV. Conference on Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in Heilbad Heiligenstadt. The conference takes place on April 22–25, 2013 with a pre-conference tutorial on Bio-Impedance on April 21th.