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Medicine and Health

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Cologne (Köln)

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Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn




An infrastructure and research centre for data and information in the life sciences.

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Tuesday, 18.10.2022

Invitation: International Open Access Week at ZB MED from 24 to 30 October 2022

Online Cookie Lecture on the topic of metadata and poster exhibition in the foyer at the Cologne site

Every year in the last week of October, the International Open Access Week takes place worldwide. This year, ZB MED is once again participating with activities to raise awareness for Open Science.


Cookie Lecture: You're the meta to my data: Why metadata is worth it!

There is data - and there is data about data. Metadata is an essential part of the publication workflow. It is at the interface of collaboration between humans and machines. What exactly this data is about, what challenges there can be in marking it up and why it is worthwhile to mark it up in a detailed and standardised way is part of our Cookie Lecture.

Info at a glance:

  • What: You're the meta to my data: Why metadata is worth it! 
  • When: 27 October 2022, 1 to 2 p.m.
  • Who for: Staff from publication projects and publishers as well as all other interested parties
  • Who: Nicole Brune, publication manager at ZB MED (speaker), and Prof. Dr. Ursula Arning, head of Open Science and PUBLISSO (moderator)
  • Where: online via Zoom (meeting ID: 891 5775 4792; identification code: 051113)

Poster exhibition: Open Access at ZB MED

In the foyer of ZB MED in Cologne, we will show you what is currently happening at ZB MED in the area of Open Access.

  • Based on the publication platform PUBLISSO, ZB MED is planning to publish a "living" encyclopaedic handbook as part of the cooperation project "Open Access Publication of Encyclopaedic Handbooks" (OAPEnz) with the publishing house Barbara Budrich.
    more information on the project
  • The ZB MED publication advisory service provides researchers and interested parties with FAQs on Open Access. They have recently been revised – based on an analysis of the Academica Stack Exchange platform – and supplemented with new topics.
    to the FAQs
  • The metadata schema of the "National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data" (NFDI4Health) provides essential input options for study design and data accessibility to improve the FAIRness of health-related data.
    to the metadata schema
    to poster & abstract
  • The project "Digital Approaches for the Synthesis of Poorly Accessible Biodiversity Information" (DiASPora) also contributes to the digitisation and integration of data by using text mining and artificial intelligence to transform information for bacterial species into a knowledge graph.
    more information on the project
  • Software Management Plans will not only be presented at the 1st International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects in Leiden, but also live in Cologne.
    to the conference


More info
on the International Open Access Week