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Medicine and Health

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Cologne (Köln)

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Nutritional, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn




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Wednesday, 30.11.2022

Dr. Ursula Zängl says goodbye to ZB MED after more than 20 years

Deputy Director starts her retirement

Dr. Ursula Zängl joined ZB MED in 2001. Prior to that, she began her library career at the University and State Library, then at the Central Library of Agricultural Sciences - both in Bonn. At ZB MED, Ursula Zängl took on the position of Deputy Director back in 2002 and was subsequently responsible for various library areas. For example, she built up retro-digitisation from 2007 and developed the concept for ZB MED's digital collections. During the transformation of ZB MED, Dr. Zängl played a decisive role in expanding the library functions. She designed and managed the programme area of information provision. In addition, she was a member of the association subito. Dokumente aus Bibliotheken e.V. for a long time in a responsible position.

Dr. Ursula Zängl's special research interest was in physical anthropology and especially Hermann Schaaffhausen (1816 - 1893), the first scientific researcher of Homo neanderthalensis, who was found in Neanderthal in 1856. As the discipline is part of ZB MED's collection spectrum, Dr. Zängl was able to perfectly combine her personal interest with her professional goals. For example, she has built up a digital collection and a thematic portal and, together with the LVR LandesMuseum Bonn, conceived and implemented the exhibition Herrmann Schaaffhausen on the 200th anniversary of his birth.

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Scientific Director of ZB MED, emphasised at the farewell: "With her great library expertise, Dr. Zängl was an irreplaceable support for me in making decisions easier for me as a lateral entrant in the first years at ZB MED. Ursula Zängl has tirelessly upheld the importance of libraries for the science system. With this conviction and her commitment to ZB MED, she gave us the necessary support even in turbulent times. I am more than grateful for that!"